HOA Holiday Decorating Guidelines to Implement in Littleton, Colorado

HOA Holiday Decorating Guidelines to Implement in Littleton, Colorado

More than 90% of Americans celebrate the holiday season every December. More than 80% of those who celebrate it do so by putting up decorations.

People who live outside homeowner's associations can take whichever approach they'd like to the holiday decoration process. But those who live in HOAs will need to be a little more careful about how they decide to decorate.

There are HOA holiday decorating guidelines an HOA in Littleton, Colorado should put in place. Check out these HOA regulations below and make sure your HOA community implements them.

HOA Members Must Abide by a Holiday Decorating Timeline

The last thing you want is for HOA members in your HOA community to put up holiday decorations in early November and leave them up until late March. There should be a specific HOA holiday decorating timeline that everyone abides by. It'll help keep things orderly in your community.

Generally speaking, you should start to allow people to do their HOA holiday decorating around Thanksgiving. They should then be able to leave up HOA Christmas decorations until the beginning of January before having to take them down. If they leave them up any longer than that, their decorations could turn into eyesores before long.

They Must Limit the Size of Their Holiday Decorations

In addition to limiting when HOA members can do their HOA holiday decorating, you should also limit how large their decorations can be. You don't want to have everyone in your HOA community putting up gigantic inflatable Santa Clauses all over the place and making your community look like a mess.

It would be worth putting height restrictions on HOA holiday decorations. It would also be worth requiring that any and all inflatable Christmas decorations be anchored in the ground. It'll prevent them from blowing all over the place and doing damage within your HOA community.

They Must Avoid Holiday Decorations That Are Too Distracting

There are certain HOA Christmas decorations that are simply going to be too distracting. From colorful lights that blink and move all around to holiday displays that make a ton of noise, you'll want to stop HOA members from putting these types of holiday decorations up.

These kinds of decorations could possibly cause auto accidents to occur within your HOA community. They might also create noise disturbances that'll drive some people in your HOA community crazy.

Implement These HOA Holiday Decorating Guidelines Now

You shouldn't stop those who live in your HOA community from putting up HOA Christmas decorations. You also shouldn't stop them from putting up HOA Halloween decorations. Decorations can liven up your HOA community.

But you should put the appropriate HOA holiday decorating guidelines in place. Use the ones we've talked about here to get started. And consider hiring a property management company to help you enforce them.

PMI Little Town can provide you with the HOA management services you need. Contact us now for assistance.
